Andre B.

Applied Data Science | Audit | Investigation | Information Security | Data Protection

About Me

Drawing upon 14 years of experience in Internal Audit, Information Security, and Investigation, coupled with a Master of Applied Data Science from the University of Michigan, I aim to leverage advanced analytics and AI to drive informed decision-making and discussions. My objective is to extract valuable insights from complex datasets, with a focus on uncovering hidden patterns and identifying emerging trends. Throughout this process, I maintain a strong commitment to Data Ethics and Responsible AI practices.

My approach involves serving as a bridge between technical analysis and practical application, working collaboratively with diverse teams to ensure that data-driven insights translate into tangible business value. I strive to support strategic business decisions through insightful observations and recommendations, always maintaining a strong focus on aligning analytical initiatives with overarching organizational objectives.

Throughout my career, I remain committed to continuous learning, adapting to evolving technologies and methodologies to maintain effectiveness in navigating the complex intersection of data science, auditing, and ethical considerations in AI implementation.

Data Science and Machine Learning Projects

Exploring Microsoft Responsible AI Toolkit

In Progress

Jul 2024 - Present

The project aims to demonstrate responsible AI practices in healthcare-related machine learning, potentially improving model transparency and reducing bias in medical predictions.

In this project I am planning to apply the Microsoft Responsible AI toolkit to the scikit-learn Diabetes dataset, focusing on gaining practical experience with the toolkit and understanding its metrics in a real-world machine learning context. Key components to be explored include fairness assessment, interpretability techniques, and error analysis.

Readability Optimizer

In Progress

May 2020 - Present

Originally developed in my free time to practice Python, Readability Optimizer is a prototype tool designed to help authors improve the readability of their texts.

This project marked one of my first endeavors in preparation for my upcoming Master’s in Applied Data Science (MADS) at the University of Michigan.

This prototype served as the foundation for an in-house solution, particularly for internal audit reports. This solution was expanded to import the audit report and analyze all observation paragraphs for readability.

The tool employs various readability tests and analyses to provide insights and suggestions for enhancing text clarity and comprehension, thereby improving written communication in professional settings.

Next step is to implement a local LLM to provide more text improvements recommendations.

Decode Dementia

Oct 2023 - Dec 2023

Key findings indicate that TBIs, especially those involving loss of consciousness, alongside the presence of the APOE ε4 allele and male gender, significantly increase dementia risk, while higher education levels seem to offer some protective effects.

This project was designed to enhance our understanding of the outcomes following traumatic brain injuries, focusing on their determinants and consequences. We used causal inference to investigate the complex relationships between TBI and the subsequent risk of dementia, considering a range of demographic and clinical factors.

The complete report can be accessed here: Decode Dementia Report

Predicting Text Difficulty

Nov 2022 - Dec 2022

Our analysis found that the fine-tuned Random Forest model demonstrated the highest accuracy score of 0.7544.

This project aimed to classify sentences from articles in the “Simple English Wikipedia” to determine whether they require simplification to enhance their accessibility and comprehensibility for audiences with low reading proficiency, including students, children, and non-native English speakers. The project employed supervised and unsupervised learning techniques to extract and create features for sentence classification.

The complete report can be accessed here: Predicting Text Difficulty Report

Visualization Projects

Applying Data Analysis in Internal Audit

In Progress

Aug 2024 - Present

This repository contains resources and examples for applying data analysis techniques in internal auditing. It aims to bridge the gap between data analysis theory and practical application in the field of internal audit including code examples, data sets and visualizations.

Analyze GDPR Fines

Nov 2021 - Dec 2021

Our analysis of GDPR fines from 2018 to 2021 has revealed crucial insights for data protection practices, particularly in the healthcare sector.

Analyzing GDPR fines imposed by the European data protection authorities could reveal the main reasons and focus areas of the authorities for non-compliance and could allow our organization to timely address similar gaps in their data privacy strategy.

The complete presentation can be accessed here: Analyze GDPR Fines

Chicken Kitchen Expansion Evaluation

Case Study for Communicating Data Science Results

Aug 2021

The focus was on developing effective communication skills for data scientists, emphasizing the importance of tailoring content for different audiences and utilizing various communication formats.

The case study centered around a data-driven decision-making case study for Chicken Kitchen, a premium fast-casual restaurant chain. As a data scientist, I was tasked with analyzing potential expansion locations for the franchise.

Final presentations are available here Executive Summary and here Detailed Presentation


Applying Data Analysis in Internal Audit

Aug 2024

The application of data analysis in internal audit has been a topic of increasing interest and discussion in my recent months. While numerous knowledge briefs and guides are available from respected organizations like the IIA and ISACA, these resources often present a more high-level and generic approach. As a professional with a background in data science, I’ve found that many existing resources in this area lack some depth and specificity to better bridge the gap between data analysis theory and its practical application in internal audit.

This observation has motivated me to create this comprehensive guide. This guide explores the application of data analysis techniques in internal auditing, adapting key concepts from academic research methodologies[5] to the practical world of internal audit focusing on two distinct concept.

Algorithm Ossification

The Feedback Loop Between Algorithms and the Real World

Jul 2024

In today’s world, algorithms are a big part of our daily lives. They suggest what we should watch and help decide if we can get a loan. These computer programs make many decisions that affect us all.

But what happens when these algorithms start to change the very world they are supposed to describe?

This is what we call algorithm ossification, and it’s important phenomenon to understand.

Understanding AI System Classification and Risk Assessment

Jul 2024

In the evolving field of artificial intelligence (AI) governance, two important concepts can get mixed up: AI System Classification and AI System Risk Assessment. This confusion can lead to problems in managing the related AI risks. This article aims to explain these concepts and how they relate to each other, using insights from major AI governance frameworks.

Exploring the Power of ChatGPT

A Comprehensive Introduction

Jun 2024

An overview of ChatGPT, delving into its underlying mechanisms, constraints, and practical applications.

Data Ethics Checklist

Case Study

Jul 2021

This use case involved the development of a Data Ethics Checklist for data science projects, created as part of a university ethics course (MADS SIADS593). The checklist is designed to guide data scientists through ethical considerations at various stages of a project, from initial organization to final deployment. It incorporates key ethical principles such as transparency, accountability, fairness, and explainability, drawing from established frameworks and guidelines in the field of data ethics. The checklist is structured around the CRISP-DM model, providing specific, actionable questions at each project phase to ensure ethical practices are maintained throughout the data science workflow.

Data Science Compass

A Personal Manifesto

Apr 2021

Originally developed in April 2021 as part of the University of Michigan’s Master of Applied Data Science program, SIADS501 - Being a Data Scientist course. This manifesto continues to guide my practice and is regularly updated to reflect new insights and evolving best practices in the field.

This document outlines my core principles, methodologies, and ethical commitments as a data scientist. It serves as a personal guide for navigating the complex landscape of data-driven decision making, ensuring that I consistently deliver high-quality, ethical, and impactful work.

Decomposing the Term “Information Security Risk”

Apr 2017

This article addresses the frequently asked question “What is an (information security) risk?” from the perspective of an IS Auditor and Information Security Risk Manager. It presents three tailored explanations to accommodate varying levels of audience interest and time constraints.

The first is a concise formula, the second a comprehensive definition based on industry standards, and the third a detailed exploration using ISO 31000:2009 as a foundation. This multi-tiered approach offers flexibility in explaining information security risk across different professional contexts and audience needs.

How to Write (Better) Information Security Risks

Oct 2016

During the process of risk assessment it can be challenging to differentiate between risks, threats and vulnerabilities. This is important, because based on the threats and vulnerabilities – as well as on the impacted assets – the mitigation controls and risk levels can be different.

In now-a-days processes many of the risk assessment steps are starting with – or including – the term “risk”, although the “real risk” is the results of all those steps and activities. This small, but important difference, will be explained in the following sections.



Director | Senior Manager

Apr 2010 - Present

Bridging the gap between innovation and responsible governance in the AI and data science landscape.

In my current role as Senior Manager Global Security at Novartis, I support and implement data analytics initiatives and provide support to our in-house Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and investigation teams. My role involves leveraging advanced data science techniques to enhance our global security strategies, improve risk assessment, and safeguard the company’s digital assets.

Key Certifications

Certified Fraud Investigator (CFE)

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE)

Feb 2024

This specialized certification demonstrates expertise in fraud detection, prevention, and investigation, including proficiency in financial transaction analysis, fraud law, and advanced investigative techniques. Skilled in implementing anti-fraud controls and managing internal investigations. The globally recognized CFE certification reflects a high level of fraud examination knowledge and adherence to ethical standards in the field.

Certified Data Protection Officer (CDPO)


Feb 2019

Demonstrated proficiency in developing and implementing comprehensive data protection strategies, policies, and procedures. Adept at conducting thorough data protection impact assessments, efficiently managing data breaches, and ensuring organizational adherence to key regulations such as GDPR. Recognized for serving as a pivotal advisor on data protection matters and effectively liaising between the organization, data subjects, and supervisory authorities. Combines technical knowledge with strong communication skills to translate complex privacy requirements into actionable business practices, fostering a culture of data protection across the organization.

Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)


Jan 2016

Advanced information security certified professional with comprehensive expertise across the Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) domains. Skilled in designing and managing cybersecurity programs, encompassing risk management, asset security, network protection, and security operations. Proficient in identity management, security assessment, and secure software development.

Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)


Aug 2011

Globally certified information systems auditor with expertise in IT control and security. Proficient in conducting comprehensive IT audits, assessing vulnerabilities, and ensuring compliance with industry standards. Skilled in evaluating information systems operations, governance, and cybersecurity practices. Develops and implements risk-based IT audit strategies, providing valuable insights to enhance organizational IT controls and processes. Committed to maintaining high professional standards and staying current with evolving technology and audit methodologies.


University of Michigan

MSc Applied Data Science

Jan 2021 - Dec 2023

The University of Michigan, founded in 1817, is a top-tier public research institution known for its innovative programs and commitment to academic excellence.

At the University of Michigan’s School of Information, I completed the Master of Applied Data Science (MADS) program, graduating in December 2023. This comprehensive program provided me with a solid foundation in key areas of data science, including machine learning, data mining, and big data analytics.

The curriculum emphasized practical application, allowing me to work on real-world projects and develop problem-solving skills applicable to complex datasets.

This experience equipped me with both the technical skills and ethical understanding necessary to navigate the challenges of modern data science, preparing me for impactful contributions in my professional role.